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01/10/14 Cherokee Heights Middle School

Here is a factoid that might just motivate you to add making a sustainable change to your list of New Year

Weekly Power Patrols!

12/20/13 Hawthorne Elementary

Students took ownership of saving energy at Hawthorne by completing Power Patrols this semester! Every week members of Environmental Club patrolled their hallways checking to make sure that classes were turning off lights and computers when they were not being used. If classrooms successfully remembered to turn off electrical devices, they received a

Bed Head Day

12/19/13 Muir Elementary


Bed Head Day

12/19/13 Thoreau Elementary

All 5th graders are pledging to not take a shower on Thursday - many say this is really going to be easy! Who knew saving energy could be so fun. If we get 100% participation, that will save 4,000 gallons of water and $83 in energy use.


12/19/13 Cherokee Heights Middle School

Before leaving for break... Please take a few minutes to help reduce our electricity usage with just a few simple actions: Turn off printers, scanners, and other computer peripherals. Turn off all computers. Turn off monitors and speakers. Turn off all desk lights, lamps, and overhead lights. Unplug any audio/visual equipment including radios, TVs, video players, and musical instruments. Turn off and unplug shredders, calculators, and other business machines. If you

Bed Head Day

12/18/13 Muir Elementary

Yesterday, as part of Spirit Week we had Bed Head Day. The kids loved it and it gave us a chance to share some astonishing facts about how much water we use.

Chavez Power Patrol

12/18/13 Chavez Elementary

Students in the Chavez Power Patrol went on patrol today. They completed audits of classrooms, handed out classroom reminder checklists, and put stickers on the light switches to remind others to turn off the lights.

Post-it Pledges

12/18/13 Cherokee Heights Middle School

Each individual student made a pledge on a post-it and then these were shaped into the form of a light bulb to be posted in the entry way

First Power Patrol Patrol

12/18/13 Thoreau Elementary

Today we made our first rounds on the first floor to check for energy savings!

MaGic Energy

12/16/13 Muir Elementary

MG&E has a free program about energy. Bob Kann, a local historian and juggler and all around great guy will come to your school for free to perform magic, juggle and share facts about energy. Our second and third graders loved it!